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Manufacturer: Workhorse
Model: W8000444
W8000444 - Key - Ignition Lock (Uncoded)
This key comes blank and must be cut to your specific vehicle. If you do not have a key to copy and need the key cut code please e-mail us a copy of your registration and license and we will submit for the code from Workhorse on your behalf...
$13.52 $11.45
Manufacturer: Workhorse
Model: W8000464
Part# W8000464
This is a Genuine Workhorse Replacement A/C Air Compressor.
Please note: - This compressor does not include the high pressure cut-out switch located on the back. If you need this pressure switch, order part# 89019183 - This compressor comes pre-filled with ap..
$378.85 $378.85
Manufacturer: Workhorse
Model: W8000513
Part# W8000513
This is a Brand New Workhorse (Delphi) Mass Air Flow Sensor for most GM gas engines in Workhorse chassis...
$123.89 $419.00
Manufacturer: Workhorse
Model: W8000518
Part# W8000518
This is a Brand New Workhorse Spark Plug for the 8.1L Engine. (Single Spark Plug)
All Workhorse Chassis with 8.1L..
$16.98 $20.32
Manufacturer: Workhorse
Model: W8000525
Part# W8000525
Brand New Workhorse Crankshaft Position Sensor
8.1L 2001+..
$109.29 $226.64
Manufacturer: Workhorse
Model: W8001187
Part# W8001187
This is a Brand New Workhorse Quadraulic 70mm Piston Caliper Assembly. This Will Fit the Right Hand Side Rear Wheel End or Left Hand Front Wheel End...
$606.50 $618.57
Manufacturer: Workhorse
Model: W8001575
W8001575 - Kit - Abs Speed Sensor (90 Degree, w/ Bushing & Grease)(One Wheel) ..
$165.20 $145.19
Manufacturer: Workhorse
Model: W8002207
Part# W8002207
This is a Brand New Workhorse Disk Brake Rotor (Quadraulic Brakes, 15.38")
R26 UFOW62..
$219.59 $393.98