I read it takes 5 minutes to download the program in the run position. My brake booster runs when the key is in the run position engine off. Will it hurt my booster to run 5 minutes while loading.
Thanks, Mike
( mike, 11/18/2021 )
No, it will not hurt it.
Hello, I have a 2021 Georgetown 36k7 F53 24k chassis 6.17 gears. It has the 2020 v10 platform. My question is how does your tune for my RV differ from the 87 octane 5-star tune? I have a SCT device and could return to stock if your tune is superior to theirs?
( David , 11/01/2021 )
Our tunes are custom made for the vehicle. 5 Star uses preloaded files they make in advance. Both are good and will see benefits with either but ours is a bit more custom tailored to the specific vehicle so we gain a little bit better performance.
The question I have is; are there any discounts you offer for groups like “iRV2”. Thank you
( Gary Romano , 10/06/2021 )
We do not have any discounts offered at this time for this product.
2017 E450 V10 6.8L Will this help with the pinging/dentonation I am tired of running 92/91. We run fully loaded and tow about 6,000 99% of the time . Live at sea level and go across mtn passes constantly.
( Kent Bailey, 09/21/2021 )
We have heard from some customers with E-Series that they hear pinging when stock. This should not be happening as that engine is designed to run on 87 octane. We can modify our tune to eliminate the issue but power output might be slightly less than stock as it requires remapping the spark advance in the opposite direction of how we would normally set it up. We could always have you run our tune and if needed, updates can be emailed until we can get it "right" for you. I would recommend speaking with your local Ford dealer concerning this to see if they have any insight into why it is pinging stock.
Wouldn’t it be even more helpful for remapping the trans and fuel system if you asked for the loaded vehicle weight and if it’s towing or not?
Also, will the upshifts be firmer? Or is that a special request?
I don’t have the vin handy or I would have added it.
2004 E450 V10 Turned into a Jayco 31SS Loaded weight 14,450 + towing approximately 4500lbs.
I look forward to your response.
Bill Lettau.
( Bill Lettau, 09/20/2021 )
Being an RV already means we are tuning it for the weight of a heavy vehicle and realistic towing capacities are factored into the tune creation. Upshifts will have a more positive, firm engagement but nothing harsh unless specifically requested.