How many teeth does the W08000145 have?
( Dudley M Huber, 09/07/2022 )
This starter has 11 teeth.
Will this fit my workhorse p42 6.5l?
( Tyron , 05/17/2022 )
No, the correct starter for that is
01113296 - Starter Motor Asm (L57 - 6.5L Diesel)
Will this starter work for my 2004 Southwind RV? Is there anything additional I need to purchase along with the starter for a complete replacement of the old starter?
( Kim G, 04/30/2022 )
This is the correct starter and it comes with a new heat shield. You should be able to re-use the mounting bolts and shouldn't need any additional parts to install.
Is this a gear reduction starter?
( Ron, 02/07/2022 )
No, this is a standard light duty starter.
Would this starter (08000145) work on my 2006 GM 8.1L Vortec, Workhorse W22.
( Ron, 02/04/2022 )
Yes, this is the correct starter for your RV.