I have a 1999 V-10 with an Intake manifold leak. Will the update cause problems, or will I have to get it repaired first? ( Robert, 10/25/2023 )
We recommend repairing this before modifying, the leak will cause the engine to run lean.

Going to buy if it will help power throttle response and raise speed limiter.

One more question with the custom tune does it require 91 octane fuel?

Let me know thank you

( Kelly Jacob , 08/28/2023 )
Yes, the tuner will help improve the throttle response and it will eliminate the speed limiter. We tune for 87 octane by default, unless otherwise requested.
Can you set a speed and RPM governer with this unit? ( Ronald Dezarati, 07/25/2023 )
Yes, you would just need to let us know what you want and we can set it up accordingly.
Interested in this tuner for my rv, does this have to to be returned back to stock for emissions or will it not affect anything and be fine to pass with the tunes on it? ( Daniel , 06/27/2023 )
It should be able to pass emissions just fine with the tune installed but if you want to eliminate all doubt, returning to stock is simple and quick.
Can you remove the speed limiter at the same time? ( Joe bromley, 05/29/2023 )
Yes, we do this by default with our custom tunes.