What data does this device allow you to access while driving? Can you see temps of oil, tranny,water? Does it provide mpg? Thanks ( Rick, 01/14/2019 )
It varies depending on year but typically it will display engine coolant temperature, battery voltage, RPM, intake air temperature, engine load, long & short term fuel trims, mass air flow, spark advance, transmission temperature, throttle position and vehicle speed. Some vehicles may offer more or less but this is typical. It does not do MPG readings, I recommend the ScanGauge2 for monitoring.
I have a 2013 ford f450 with a 6.8 engine.i really am looking for a tune that will delete the catalytic convertor and cut light off.i am in a non emission state so we delete it here ( WILLIAM HIMES, 01/14/2019 )
We aren't able to help you with this, we don't make any changes in regards to emission systems.
I recently purchased a 2019 Entegra Vision 29S RV equipped with the Ford V10 Engine. Will this device affect the Ford Warranty? ( Jon Dunn, 01/08/2019 )

Ultra RV is committed to providing quality custom tuning that is safe to use. Our custom tuning does not cause damage to a vehicle when used as intended and should not void your vehicle’s manufacturer’s warranty. However, the reality is that many dealerships have been known to improperly void warranties on vehicles that use aftermarket products as a matter of policy. This applies to those aftermarket products that produce horsepower, such as performance enhancement “chips,” modified intake manifolds, or aftermarket exhaust systems, regardless of product brand.

Consumers of aftermarket products are protected by the Federal Magnusson-Moss Warranty Act. The Act provides that if something breaks on your vehicle and you take it in for warranty repair, the dealer must honor your warranty unless whatever modifications you have added to your vehicle directly caused the problem in question.

In order to understand your rights under the Federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, please see below excerpt.

When accessorizing your vehicle with aftermarket parts, your warranty claim cannot be automatically denied, nor can your warranty be voided, if you install non-OEM parts in your vehicle. The burden is on the dealer to prove the aftermarket parts caused the failure. For example, if your windshield wiper motors fail, your vehicle’s warranty claim can’t be denied because you installed aftermarket performance programmer, tuner, chip, etc. Similarly, if a wheel bearing fails or a fan belt snaps and you have an aftermarket exhaust installed, the dealership would have to prove the exhaust system caused the bearing failure or the belt to snap in order to deny a warranty claim. In these types of scenarios, the dealership should have no reason to deny your claims.

In addition to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, you also have SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) working to protect your rights. Because SEMA represents U.S. aftermarket wholesalers, retailers, distributors and manufacturers, they often keep car manufacturers in check by supporting legislation that prevents dealership service providers from denying warranty coverage. This means dealerships have become less stringent when it comes to aftermarket parts that modify performance or suspension.

Average mpg is 8 for the last 2 years. Approximately what will be the improvement in mpg with this controller?

( KEN BURNS, 12/27/2018 )
We can only promise improved power and shifting. Most times there is a gain in MPG but it's such a variable in RV's that we can't tell you that you will.
With this turner, can you manually shift all 6 gears? For example, can you hold the tranny in 5th while towing. ( Al, 12/24/2018 )
Unfortunately we do not have a way to manually control all 6 gears. We can promise that it will hang in each gear a lot longer than with stock programming.