2004 H R Endeavor 8.3 isc engine serial number is 46307911, Cummins saysThe OEN Pump transfer P/N 4935013 would not support a different pump for your Engine are they incorrect or talking about something different ( Barry Howard, 08/12/2019 )
The OEM pump is the only option that Cummins will say is compatible. The FASS pump that we offer is aftermarket so they would not recognize this part as correct even though it will work.
Will this lift pump work with my 2004 8.3 isc engine serial number is 46307911 ( Barry, 08/12/2019 )
Yes, you have a CAPS fuel pump system so this would work.
Motorhome VIN number 1RF32365221017223

E.S.N # 46147880
ISC CM554 8.3L 2001 Cummins

Hi I was looking at one of your lift pump it's rated at 15 psi I've been looking everywhere for my engines PSI range and I can't find it.

I even called coming and they told me it can't fall below five PSI but they couldn't find a maximum range.

If I buy this pump is the pre setting of 15 psi okay or do I turn it up or down?

If somehow you can find a way to find my range of my PSI for my fuel this way I can feel comfortable up turn it up and down as I choose.


( Adelino Mercado Jr, 09/13/2018 )
We find 15 PSI to work just fine. Any extra fuel will just be sent back through the return line to the tank.
2002 Monaco ISC 350

Please correct me if the assumptions below are incorrect:

1. This is NOT intended to replace the existing electric "prime" pump but rather ensure that there is sufficient fuel supply by running at all times.
2. Other than installing this into the system and providing it with Key-on power no other modifications are required to the fuel system.
( Eric Lang, 04/06/2018 )
The UP95G lift pump does replace the existing electric "prime" pump but you don't have to remove the existing pump. There are modifications that we make to the electrical harness but other than installing the pump into the fuel system, no other modifications are required. 
Is this a "kit" or is it just the pump? My motorhome is a 04 Country Coach with a ISL 400 engine with a Caps system. ( Norman , 07/26/2016 )


This is the pump and harness plus some miscellaneous fittings. For most applications you will need to purchase bulk fuel line and fittings from a local hydraulic shop.