
My wipers only work on high speed. Turn signal, cruise control works. When i disconnect the module the turn signal works and the wipers work on high speed. Is this the module to replace or is it somethingelse?

( D, 06/07/2017 )


The Symptoms you describe definitely sound like a failed wiper module.

This is a P12 chassis with a logic module (sure power industries inc) P/N 15740681 Model: 1306GM.
I'm having trouble finding this particular part, the workhorse came in production a year or two later, I see you have for them a close logic module P/N W0007967, this is the closet I've come to finding one (not to many Sure Power out there)
Is there any suggestions you might be able to help me with this problem I'm having ?
is there anyway I can cross one with another ?
A 1998 Winnebago Vector 37B
Thanks for your time.
( Jeff Lutz , 08/29/2016 )

Hi Jeff,

Unfortunately this part has been discontinued and I do not have a cross into a Workhorse part #. I did do some searching online and found a few places that still have that part in stock. Here is a link to one of those places: http://bullseyeindustrialsales.com/sure-power-1306gm-15740681-electric-module-77951

I ordered the W0007967 from you and it is on its way to me. I understand that the module it on top of the steering column support. Can you offer any suggestions as to the easiest way to replace the module. I was thinking that I could remove the plastic cover on the steering assembly and possibility reach it through the opening. I am a little less flexible than I was in the past.

( Dennis Walczak, 07/14/2016 )


Unfortunately there usually is no "easy" way to replace this module. The only exception are the Winnebago and Itasca's with the flip up dash. If you can remove your instrument panel that may give you enough room to reach in and get it.

Windshield wipers consistently turn on with the ignition ONLY following a rain storm until the weather dries out, even when the vehicle is parked. Can only stop by removing the fuse. On a 2009 Winnebago Adventurer 32H and is reported online as a common issue with Workhorse chassis.

I have waterproofed the connector to the motor with dielectric grease and a electrical tape with no luck. I find that the "park" wire going to the motor is ultra sensitive to any leakage path to ground (such as a 12V test light) which reproduces this problem. Winnebago tech support suggested contacting Workhorse for help. I don't want to buy a new motor or control module if the problem is elsewhere. It must be on the outside of the coach because there is no exposure to moisture from rain inside. Please describe location of wiper control module in my RV. Thanks for your help. This is a very frustrating problem.
( Leo Lewis, 05/20/2016 )


The wiper control module is located on top of the steering column support behind the dash. If you were to get on your back and look up under the dash it's going to be bolted to the flat top piece of that support. If you need further diagnostic help with this issue we can send some diagnostic aids.

The wipers on my motorhome work on high only no low speed or intermittent and no park. I have replaced the control switch and the wiper motor with nno luck now think it may be the moduel w0007967 is there any way to check any help greatly appreciated.need to fix asap leaving on 5/13 for beach ( monroe hall, 05/06/2016 )


      Do you have the last 8 digits of your VIN so that I can try to help out with the issue?