will I still have the same features as before.Mileage,distance to empty,average miles per gal,oil pressure, and etc.?
( Gary A Croson, 03/04/2019 )
Yes all the same displays will be there, just visible now :)
I have a 2004 Fleetwood Fiesta with the workhorse chassis, I can't read the screen very much anymore is that the part you are providing?
( j-p, 09/09/2018 )
Yes this is for that.
I purchased the 105297s kit for my motorhome and have since sold the motor home and would like to return this item, in the box and items are sealed. let me know please if that is possible, thank you. ( robert patterson, 09/01/2018 )


    Unfortunately, this is an electrical item, and per our terms and conditions we cannot accept a return. Sorry about that.

I have a 2005 Georgie Boy Cruisemaster. I just purchased the Led display unit from you and will be installing shortly. Should I also be replacing the Lights in the instrument cluster while I have it out. ( Andy Adamczak, 03/02/2018 )
No that will not be necessary. We very rarely see issues with the lights.
how is the dash removed on a 2006 adventurer ? ( skipper van fossen, 10/26/2017 )
Not answered yet.