Once I plug the rebuilt cluster back into the dash, is the Original/Actual vehicle mileage displayed? Thanks EMR
( EMR, 02/21/2016 )The mileage data is stored on a separate memory chip on the board so changing the screen will not effect the mileage at all.
Will this cluster work on a 2002 Holiday Rambler Vacationer with a 2002 W22 chassis? Thanks
( Patrick, 02/10/2016 )Patrick,
Sorry, this is just a repair service for the instrument clusters found in the 2003-2005 model year Workhorses. Even if you bought one outright it would not be compatible with your vehicle.
Do you provide UPS or other shipping label? Joe
Return shipping will be $12.00, it is your responsibility to ship us the instrument cluster.
how hard is it to get the cluster out of the dash. on a 2004 workhorse
( don coleman, 03/29/2015 )Don,
The instrument cluster removal depends on the coach builder and how they installed it so we can't really give any insight other than it will ultimately be held in by eight screws.