Will this tuner remove speed limiter on my 2022 e450 ( Hugo, 01/24/2025 )
Yes, it will.
I have a SCTx4 part number 7015FS (Ford). I has a custom tune in it from 5 star tuning for a 2015 ford v10. The Rv has been returned to stock. Can I load a new tune into this SCT for my newer 2022 RV with the new 7.3 liter v8 gas RV. Vin is above and yes the RV is built on 2020 rolling chassis. It is a 22000lbs chassis. Would I have to send sct to you or can can I overwrite the program. ( Tim Hickman , 12/30/2024 )

Yes you can use that device on the newer RV. Since you already have the tuning device, you would only need to purchase the email tune: https://www.ultrarvproducts.com/V8TUNE-UltraPower-7.3L-V8-Custom-Tune-(E-mail-Tune-Only)

You would not need to send us the device, it can be updated from your computer as long as you have a Microsoft Windows PC.

Will this tuner eliminate downstream o2 fault with a cat delete vehicle? ( 12/12/2024 )
No, the Ford tuning software doesn't allow us to make any modifications to the emissions systems.
I have this tuner already but we purchased it for an RV that we have since sold. I was hoping that we'd be able to use this with our 2020 ford F150 3.5 EccoBoost. PN: 7015 (Ford)
SN: X4032421FD489 is the ID for our unit.


( Mark Cranston, 09/02/2024 )
As long as you returned the original vehicle back to stock, you can use it on the other vehicle. If you did not return the original vehicle back to stock, then you will need to contact SCT to have them unlock the device.
Same question as the previous poster, on the 2021 Ford F53 V8, are there programs you can choose from. My primary question is do you have an option that signals the board to turn the TowHaul ON? ( Joe M, 07/21/2024 )
We make one custom tune for your vehicle but if you want modifications/adjustments made to that tune we do offer that at no charge. As for your question regarding tow/haul, do you not already have a button to turn it off and on?